During an open staff discussion about the map below, someone said donors give more than time. They donate talent. I had never considered that, but it’s true. If I consider the donation the construction committee makes, over and above time actual building homes, it’s the talent and experience they bring that makes the difference. And that’s really true for everyone that gives time to our mission. My original goal for the map was to show how resources flowed from donors to the affiliate to the families who buy our homes. It sparked a good discussion. Everyone around the table agreed the experience donors have engaging with our community is critical to building the community in ways that help us serve more families. This version doesn’t show where outreach activities occur, and doesn’t reflect the important inputs we get from the board of directors. In version 2 I adopted a shape – the funnel – that reinforces the left-to-right flow of resources from donor to family. Also V2 shows how families who would like to build a Habitat home enter the process. Also added the important influence the affiliate’s leadership team has on the donor experience. This map calls out the important role outreach activities play in drawing donors into the process, and highlights which committees have direct influence on the experience donors have as we convert that donation into Habitat families in homes. Comments always welcome. Chris