The steps to Barbara’s mobile home were decaying, and her decreased mobility meant her safety and freedom were at risk. One couple in Barbara’s congregation knew they had to help.

“I knew of her plight with her stairs for some time, and my wife said ‘we are going to have to get it done somehow,'” remarked Steve.

Steve and his wife Shelly looked for a repair program that would help their friend, but many had been closed due to Covid. Then, they reached out to our office, which said Barbara might qualify for Habitat Snohomish’s pilot repair program. When Barbara was accepted, a crew of five came out to her home. “They took apart her crumbling stairs and created a ramp. They had to get it longer than the stairs because the ramp of course had to be a certain angle.”

The ramp is already making a difference. “This ramp has helped her a great deal. You know now she can come down and use her cane or walker and easily use that ramp, versus using the stairs that were very dangerous,” said Steve.

Habitat Snohomish is expanding its pilot program to bring home repair services to more low-income families and seniors in Snohomish County.
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